Co-curricular Life
Co-curricular clubs form a central part of the Trinity experience. These are opportunities to learn, have fun, find your ‘spark’ and develop the skills that universities and employers are telling us young people are lacking.
Students in Phase 1 must undertake at least 2 clubs and Phase 2 must undertake at least 1 clubattend three clubs per week and, as with all school activities, we expect full commitment, effort and attendance.
At the beginning of every term, students choose from a wide range of options – these include (but are not limited to) art, drama, orchestra, rugby, choir, board games, dance, football, book club, netball and volleyball.
This term we are offering:
We are always interested in expanding our co-curricular clubs provision. If you, or someone you know, are keen to run a club and have the time to commit for at least a whole school term, please register your interest by emailing
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