Careers Programme

Our mission at Trinity is to create a world class school. As such, we expect that all members of our community seek to become the best version of themselves, developing Head, Heart and Soul, so that our students will ultimately be successfully and happily employed in a career with prospects, as well as being citizens with a burning passion to serve their communities.

Our Careers Programme sits under Soul. We are committed to providing an outstanding Careers Programme, as outlined in our Careers Policy:

“Trinity Academy seeks to provide a world-class careers programme which meets the Gatsby benchmarks as a minimum and empowers all students to develop high aspirations and a strong sense of purpose.  The programme will establish lifelong careers management skills and empower all students to make sense of their education, enabling them to take control of, and responsibility for, career planning and progression, to ensure confidence during preparation for career transitions.

This is achieved through differentiated, impartial and independent information and guidance around a range of career options so as to support well-informed choices for progression.”  

Key Contacts:
Roz Keir - Careers Lead and Careers Advisor -
Anna Duncan - Work Experience Coordinator - 
Governor Link: Andrew Wright


Outline of Careers at Trinity Academy

We are delighted to have already forged strong partnerships with employers and educational institutions including Deloitte, UWE, University of Bristol and University of Gloucestershire. We regularly consult with the Careers and Enterprise Company, the Careers Development Institute, Unifrog and schools within the Cathedral Schools Trust to enhance and refine our provision. Our co-curricular programme also supports the development of key Careers skills. Our core offering can be viewed here:



Alternative Educational Provision

Students are aware of other education providers. As part of our Careers programme, students in Years 8-11 have interactions and presentations from a variety of alternative providers. We also provide information in our Futures bulletin and the Headteacher’s newsletter.

For further information about post-16 options in Bristol, please visit Bristol City Council’s website

You can also find our Provider Access Policy within the Policies sub-page to the left.

Evaluation of the Careers Programme

At Trinity Academy, we believe in continuous improvement. The Careers Programme is monitored and evaluated in order to improve pupil impact. This is done in the following ways:

  1. Unifrog - insights and interaction data is monitored and tracked by the Careers Lead. This allows for a greater understanding of how students are interacting with the platform and which career paths might interest them. As a result, students can be targeted careers events, or offered further support if need be. 
  2. Compass+ - a termly meeting with our Enterprise Advisor, from the CEC, allows us to look in-depth at how our Careers provision is achieving the Gatsby benchmarks. Using Compass+, we are able to identify specific areas for development and build them into the strategic development plan.

  3. Future Skills Questionnaire - we ask our students to complete the questionnaire annually. This gives us a greater student-focused understanding of where our provision needs refining.

Our evaluation and feedback cycle can also be viewed here: