Support for parents
We recognize that parenting teenagers can at times be difficult and that positive wellbeing and good mental health is vital for students’ happiness and achievement. Student wellbeing is embedded in the everyday ethos and work of the School, there is an explicit focus on this within our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education) and during our tutorial and assembly programmes.
We offer support to our students in many different ways. Students meet daily with their tutors, which enables them to develop positive and trusting relationships with specific adults in school. We also have onsite mentoring groups for those who are struggling in specific areas and also a wide range of support which is facilitated through the SEND department. We are lucky enough to have 3 counsellors on site and a school nurse who are in once a week and meet with those students who require extra support. Students are referred by their Tutors and Head of Year and we encourage students to come and speak with us if they are struggling and would like further support.
We encourage students and parents with any concerns to get in touch with us at:, making sure you state the name of your child and their tutor’s name. Their tutor will then get back to you to discuss further how we can support.
Bullying - If you are concerned that your child is experiencing unkindness or is being bullied we would urge you to come forward and tell us so that we can support your child. Please complete this short google form below (‘Pastoral and Safeguarding Support form (PASS)) to let us know what is taking place and we will look at how we can support in the most appropriate way. Your child is also able to notify us of any incidents of concern via their student dashboard where they also have a PASS tab and also by speaking to staff in school.
There are also lots of useful resources online. Below are some websites that we hope will support both parents and students when discussing mental health and wellbeing.
A fantastic organisation offering free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice, to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person. Below are some of the sections from the website which can offer support:
A children’s mental health charity with over 60 years’ experience of caring for young minds. This insightful and easy to read guide to mental health in young people will offer both information and support about a variety of issues affecting young people’s mental health.
The NSPCC’s Parents’ site recognises a big part of keeping children safe is making sure to look after their emotional and mental well-being. The site offers information on an array of topics including mental health and wellbeing; self-harm; sexual behaviour; and talking about difficult topics.
Bristol Mental health support for children Bristol has a large amount of support on offer, This is the NHS website which outlines what support is available. |
A great website that gives advice on different apps your child may be using and how to ensure safety controls are implemented at home. |
Off the Record - This is a mental health youth support charity in Bristol for 11-25 year olds which runs various free 1:1 and group support sessions in around Bristol and South Glos. |
Beat - Eating Disorders |
A website which aims to educate about eating disorders and offers support to those affected by them.
Talk To Frank - Drug related issues |
An advice section of the site for parents offering up to date advice and information about drugs, providing access to live chat, email and telephone support, as well as leaflets, FAQs and links to other sites
Alcohol Education Trust - Alcohol concerns |
A charity offering information and advice to help parents to discuss issues around alcohol with their children.
Young Minds - Self Harm |
A parent’s guide to self harm – what might trigger this and how you can best support your child to get the help they need.
Advice to parents and carers on gangs - Gang involvement |
Find out how to spot if your child is involved in a gang and how you can support them |