
Trinity Academy is an Anti-Bullying school with a zero tolerance approach to unkindness and bullying. We take any allegation of bullying very seriously at Trinity and have clear systems for reporting and dealing with such incidents.

At Trinity we operate a "Trusted Adult" approach. This means that every Trinity student can name at least two adults in school who they trust to listen to their concerns, advocate for them, and follow up on anything they report.

part of our PSHE curriculum is designed to educate students about being an active upstander, to be able to call our discriminatory behaviour and to actively develop positive citizens in our school community and beyond. Trinity students understand and use the language of "upstander" and "bystander" and live these values in their school life.

As part of our ongoing work to tackle bullying at Trinity, all staff and students have had the opportunity to sign our Trinity Pledge to show our collective commitment to calling out and dealing with bullying. The Trinity Pledge tree is installed in the atrium and we revisit our pledge frequently with students through PSHE, in assemblies, in tutor time and in conversation with students about unkind, bullying or discriminatory behaviour.

Our Trinity Pledge:


Reporting bullying


There are multiple ways students can report any concerns they have about unkind behaviour or bullying.

  • Students can speak to any member of staff about unkind behaviour or bullying, including their tutor. They can do this before school, break time or lunch time or afterschool
  • Concerns can be reported directly to duty staff during social times in the dining hall and outside areas, they wear high visibility jackets and are easy to spot
  • We offer a student 'drop-in' space at break time and lunch in the circle room/Phase 1 office, where there is always a member of staff available to talk to
  • Students can report concerns online through the 'PASS' link(see below and also accessible through the student home page)
  • Students can drop a note into the 'listening box' outside the library which is checked reguarly
  • If there are immediate concerns in a lesson, students can talk to their class teacher

Parent/ Carers:

If you are concerned that your child is experiencing unkindness or is being bullied we would urge you to come forward and tell us so that we can support your child. Please complete this short google form below (Pastoral and Safeguarding Support form (PASS))  to let us know what is taking place and we will look at how we can support in the most appropriate way. Your child is also able to notify us of any incidents of concern, as outlined above. Below is a copy of the anti bullying process we follow in school, in order that all those involved are supported.