GCSE results
2024 Ofsted report now available
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Summer Holiday Club
For Year 6 students transitioning to Year 7 at Trinity Academy
Welcome to Trinity Academy
Our mission at Trinity is to create a world class school. As such, we expect that all members of our community seek to become the best version of themselves, developing Head, Heart and Soul, so that our students will ultimately be successfully and happily employed in a career with prospects, as well as being citizens with a burning passion to serve their communities.
Read the Headteacher's Welcome
View our Prospectus
The Head - A Place of Learning
Learning is central to everything we do. We are curious about this amazing world and find joy in learning about it.
We work hard, pay attention and we keep trying.
The Heart - A Place of Respect
We show care and respect for ourselves, our community and our environment. We come together to ensure all feel safe and celebrated. We are kind and polite.
The Soul - A Place of Engagement
We engage in all school life. We are enriched by the many opportunities, by deepening relationships and by developing a sense of purpose. We participate fully in everything we do.